Manhattan Beach TMJ Treatment | Manhattan Beach Neuromuscular Dentistry

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ/TMD) Treatment

Manhattan Beach, California

Without treatment, the painful condition known as temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ or TMD) can contribute to progressively worsening symptoms as well as oral health problems including premature teeth wear and gum disease.

Manhattan Beach orthodontist Dr. JD Miller has extensive experience helping patients treat TMJ/TMD and find lasting relief from its intense, recurring headaches and other symptoms. If you suffer from chronic jaw pain or chronic headaches that feel like migraines, please call Surfside Smiles at 310-947-1810 to arrange your complimentary TMJ/TMD consultation with Dr. Miller.

TMJ and TENS Treatment

Some patients are able to reverse the uncomfortable symptoms of TMJ/TMD by putting an end to bad oral health habits like ice grinding, nail biting, pen chewing, tongue thrusting or teeth clenching.

Many patients are able to relieve TMJ/TMD symptoms with the use of transcutaneous electrical neural stimulation (TENS). TENS treatment utilizes mild, electrical current to relax the muscles in the connective region between your mandible (lower jaw) and skull, which allows your jaw to settle into its natural resting position.

TMJ and Orthodontics

Depending on the source and severity of your condition, an oral appliance or orthodontic treatment may be recommended.

TMJ/TMD can be the result of a number of factors, including the bite conditions known as malocclusions, misspaced teeth and jaw alignment issues. A detailed exam by Dr. Miller will determine the source of your condition and the right treatment option for you.

If you live in the greater Manhattan Beach, California, area and would like to learn more about TMJ/TMD treatment, please contact Surfside Smiles Orthodontics today.